Quyida ingliz tilini o`rganuvchilar uchun foydali iboralar va so`zlar keltirilgan. Ushbu ibora va so`zlar ingliz tilida so`zlashuvchilar orasida asosan kundalik hayotda qo`llaniladi. Shu sababli ko`p kitob va qo`llanmalarda ko`rsatilmagan. O`qing va so`z boyligingizni orttiring.
Feel like doing something - biror nima qilishni istamoq
Blow one's mind - lol qoldirmoq
- That she knew my name blew my mind.
Chill out - xordiq chiqarmoq
- Can you just chill out, maybe?
Fall in love - sevib qolmoq
Feel up to - biror nimaga tayyorlikni xis etish
- If you feel up to a short walk, there's a place to eat around the corner.
Beside oneself with - biror nimadan boshi osmonda
- And as for my new powers, I was beside myself with the pleasure of it all.
at ease - zavqlanayotgan
- The man is absolutely at ease with his own success and charm.
All there / not all there - hamma uyda / uyda emas
- He looks like he's not all there, you know what I mean?
Open mind - turli fikrlar va qarashlarga nisbatan ochiq fikrli
- People these days don't have an open mind to anything any more.
Frame of mind / state of mind - ichki holat
- My job is to assist you in processing that information because you're not in a frame of mind to do it by yourself.
Have half a mind to - ... haqida o`ylab yurmoq
Have a good mind to - ... amalga oshirishga hozirlik
- I have a good mind to write a letter to Mr. Kimbrough.
Lose one's temper - g`azablanmoq
- Now excuse me before I lose my temper.
Hold one's temper / keep one's temper - o`zini o`zi qo`lga olish
- He breathes a deep sigh, like a man counting to 10 to hold his temper.
Keep cool - sovuq qonlikni saqlamoq
- The door is open and he has wedged a chair into the gap in a desperate bid to keep cool.
Be to blame - biror nimaga aybdor bo`lmoq
Put on airs - o`zini baland olmoq
Get on someone's nerves - asabiga tegmoq
- You've been here so long you're starting to get on my nerves.
Cross one's mind - hayolga kelmoq
- The thought of escaping crossed my mind.
Change one's mind - fikirni o`zgartirmoq
- You might look at the damage in the morning and change your mind.
Make up one's mind - qaror qabul qilmoq
- I haven't made up my mind yet.
Get used to / used to - ko`nikmoq
Pull oneself together - o`zini qo`lga olmoq
- Pull yourself together. You're making me sick. Be a man!
Put one's mind on / set one's mind on / keep one's mind on - fikrni jamlamoq
- I can't keep my mind on the show.
Put smth out of one's mind / get smth out of one's head - hayoldan chiqarib tashlash
- Put it out of your mind. From now on your home is at court.
Make a point of - katta e'tibor bermoq
- I've made a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.
Bore to death / bore stiff - zerikmoq