+9 ovoz
2.3k ko'rilgan 9 3
Asslomu alekum telegramda aqilli bot yani kanal admininman kanalga reklama qo'ymoqchi bolganlar bot orqali ma'lumotlarini to'ldirib adminga habar qoldiradigan va shu bot oqali admin to'g'ridan to'g'ri kanalga reklamani joylashtira oladigan bot yasashda yordam bering iltimos !
Bu mavzu Internet bo'limida | 2.3k ko'rilgan
Salom man bot ochdim.va livegram.botga yozdim tokenni va qanday.qip lichkali bot qili nima.yozi botga Yordam.berila telegramim@BLaCK_MuSiC_Uz kanalim @MuS_20_19

Attention ...

1. Connect and watch one of the telegrams ...

2. Track and unlock all of your LBO phone's roof, whichever caller number, sms write, picture, video, mp3, imistagram, Ok, Watch all wherever you go.

3. Join the group on the nick and the bios.

4. If anybody has blocked, leave the block.

5. Identify the number if the profile is a pipe but with a hammer.

6. Avoid spamming in general.

7. Do not write Luboy virus.

8. I'll give you the bottle.

9. I will write a virus that breaks the SIM card.

10. I'm going to make a website.

11. And I bow my loins down.

Our telegram address is the one who wants to get married.




3 Javob

+3 ovoz
unda bot aqlli bo`lmaydida. 
+1 ovoz
Botfather da bot yaratasiz!

Keyib API kodni kopirovat qib

Livegram botga tashlaysiz!

Shu tariqa qayta aloqa botni yaratsangiz boʻladi!!!
+1 ovoz
salom siz php dan foydalaning php da bot tuzush juda osan php ni bilmasagiz telegramda manga xar jonating https://t.me/salawatpro

O'xshash savollar

+10 ovoz
2 javob
Ahror Bu mavzu Internet bo'limida 18 Fev, 18 savol berdi | 2.5k ko'rilgan
+7 ovoz
1 javob
0 ovoz
0 javob
Yulduz Bu mavzu Internet bo'limida 10 Okt, 19 savol berdi | 652 ko'rilgan
+15 ovoz
1 javob
+1 ovoz
0 javob
Cretor Bu mavzu Internet bo'limida 25 Mart, 20 savol berdi | 281 ko'rilgan